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prison reform crossword

An alternative to a prison sentence whereby the convicted person remains free but has to abide by a set of restrictions and submit to supervision for a period of time
A transitional place where inmates can live after leaving prison but before living on their own; offers counseling and supervision.
An institution where people are confined for short sentences
A correctional institution designed to confine those convicted of a serious crime
A sentence covering a range of time
A person serving a sentence
A minor crime
A prison, generally reserved for serious offenders
A person found guilty, of a crime
A serious crime
A temporary leave from prison
A program allowing certain convicts the option of working outside the prison during the day and returning to their cells at night
A sentence given for an exact time period
To return to criminal behavior
A release from prison allowing the inmate to serve the remainder of the sentence outside the prison, living according to the prison's rules and restrictions
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome