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Logan Connections Circa 1965

Teacher: class of 65
Woo or Law Place?
Brit Bugs?
Kitty's TV Beau?
SS Co.?
Tower ....?
School news paper or bird?
Chicago mega station?
For whom the Beale tolls?
Orator or sorta drink?
Do it to it teacher?
Denzel"s pride?
Isola di ......?
Fiedler's nom de guerre?
Peter, Paul and?
Italian pie place?
Short day or long test?
Coach or Christmas thing?
Letter winners?
Place to get teed off?
Move over colas, Nehi for?
Checkered dance?
Student #s led to one way whats?
1st major cause of downtown parking lots?
Principal man?
Silenced DJ?
Casa Blanca fare?
Papa Is ...?
Hall Prez?
60's word for attractive?
Shaken not stirred man?
11/22 one of 64's ..... days?
Captain or Hotel?
Dog and ....?
Music man?
Hoops coach?
Kokomo was/is our ...?
Home of the Lovers' Lane's Hook myth?
Seniors' yellows?
Indian name for white rocks?
60's hair raising style?
Swedish Connie?
Type of hop?
Wright's cross to bear?
Teen mecca?
Winter follower?
Scary canal street?
Artiste in residence?
Main Iron Horse?
BK's non-alcoholic beer?
Site of D the Bruiser v. CB Ellis rumble?
Sycamore's frozen treat?
Dark movie place?
On the .....of the Wabash?
Jay's quasi name?
State mat man?
All roads lead to Rome teacher?
Deer family gathering place?
Irish drink or men's store?
24 or main drag?
Oldest Indiana H.S mascot?
Frances by another name?
Yummy roundys place?
Its initials are a gas?
NFL's early rival?
Alphabetical home ....?
Sub-continent fad?
Teenage heart beat on a date?
Senior baubles?
Our Gal Sal's place?
Lady Bird and her other's monogram?