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Another word for the draft.
3rd Estate proclaims itself a "National Assembly" moves to ___ and take an oath not to leave until there is a constitution.
king tried to escape- executed
The legislative assembly of France in the Old Regime.
The practice of appointing people to office solely on the basis of ability and performance rather than social or economic status
-The Nobles are scared that the peasants will revolt -The peasants are scared the Nobles will hurt them -A group of angry women go to verse sigh and get the royal family and bring them to Paris -emigres our nobles who fled to other countries
Committee of _____; Committee formed by the Jacobins to hunt out counterrevolutionaries.
Militant citizens of Paris who refused to wear the pants worn by noblemen and provided support for the Jacobins during the French Revolution, literally those without breeches.
A term that originally applied to those who were considered the most fit to rule and later identified the wealthiest members of society, especially those who owned land.
Third estate
When Napoleon came out of exile and took on the European powers to regain leadership of France. He was defeated and imprisoned.
A program inaugurated in France in 1793 by the radical Jacobin and former priest Joseph Fouche that closed churches, eliminated religious symbols, and attempted to establish a purely civic religion.
made up of five directors who controlled the government from 1795 - 1799
sun centered universe, sun is motionless, earth orbits sun @ 3rd position, earth is in motion
Declaration; a combination of the Napoleonic Code and the law that brings to his empire and is a part of legal codes today. The rights listed: life, liberty ,property, freedom from oppression & religious tolerance.