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Government's Role In Business

Use your vocabulary handout to complete the puzzle.  Do not allow for spaces in your answers.  For example "Sales Tax" is salestax in the puzzle.
“import taxes”; fees imposed on goods brought into the country; designed to protect US businesses against foreign competition; raise the price of imports to a level comparable to the price of domestic merchandise
offers value to customers through products and services
percentage of total income deducted from your paycheck
labor unions forcing companies to hire unnecessary workers
when union representatives and management come together to discuss issues arising between employees and employers; union workers strike when an agreement cannot be reached
allows employees the right to work for a company whether or not they decide to join the union
when a government sets strict rules affecting businesses within certain industries
practice requiring businesses to hire only union members
paid by businesses on land, structures and other property they own
federal taxes paid on corporate profits; also imposed by state, local and foreign governments
employees work together to make a difference in the workplace
designed to control potentially harmful practices; are automatically included in the price; produce income which must be used for a purpose related to a tax
added to the price of goods and services at the time of purchase
rules, regulations and interpretations of statutory law set forth by administrative agencies and commissions; enforced on corporations by administrative agencies
the removal or relaxation of the rules affecting businesses within certain industries
employees come together to demand a change in the workplace
organizations formed to represent workers and prevent unfair labor practices; members are typically employees of the same type of occupation or industry
based on precedents established by judges’ decisions