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Quarter 2 review

Do you use the height adjusters when using your crutches (true/false)?
Health injury portability and assosiation
First thing you put on when cleaning a wound
Left atrium and right atrium
Short term
Last breaths before death
Chest bone
1 of the three roles of a physical trainer
Pulse location on the neck
Proper term for shortness of breath
Improperly does something
What bone in the lower bares the most weight
What is The big toe called
What the medical term for the cap
When making a sling what shaped cloth do you use
Lateral bone on the lower leg
Right ventricle and left ventricle
Fails to perform act
Who determines return of play (absolute)
Body temp. is below 95
What is cartillage in the knee?
Yellowing of the skin
One of the five members of the sports medicine team
Largest artery in the heart
Common tear for soccer players