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The Buffalo Are Back

Safe places to stay
The covering of the feet in various mammals such as horses, cattle, and oxen
A person who studies plants and how they grow
Broken into small pieces
A large area of flat grassy land with very few trees
All living and nonliving things in an area
An area of land that is kept separate for a particular group of people to live on
Ate growing grass or plants, as do cattle, sheep, etc.
An official counting of something
Outline along the natural lines of ridges and slopes
A written agreement in which each group involved agrees to do a particular thing or to help each other
A wild animal of the ox family with a shaggy mane, short curved horns, and a humped back
To succeed in ending or dealing with a problem
Delicate and tends to break easily
No longer exists
Gradually destroyed or worn away by forces of nature such as wind, water, or ice
An amount of money that you get when you are paid more for something than it cost you to make
Shriveled up, dried out, decayed
Thrived or grew strongly
Parts of something are not in an equal, steady, or secure position
Long periods of dry weather without rainfall
A place set apart for protection
Belonging naturally in a certain place
Quiet and private
Forms small waves