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la casa-mattie hoffer

What do you see threw in your home, its glass
What to you DRIVE to places in
What do you open to get into rooms in your home
What do you plant flowers in
What room do you primarly sleep in
The floor you dont need to stairs to get to unless your in the basement (the main floor)
What does all of your old stuff go down to (christmas decorations, winter clothes, old photos, toys, etc.)
The dorr visitors would come threw every single time
What do you climb up if u have a second floor
Were would you or your family generally stay together to watch a movie or just TV (another word for family room)
The exact opposite of the basement but stuff also gets left up there
Were do you keep your car if you have one of these
Were do you cook
Were would you flush a bug down to get rid of it
Were do you brush your teeth
If a parent works at home they may have an at home workplace also called
Where would you and your family eat altogether sometimes
What do you walk threw to get from one room to another in your home
If you have one at your home you swim in it
This aspect of your house keeps out rain and can mold in heavy snow fall