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ES Space Unit Puzzle

How long it takes a planet to spin on its axis, calculated in Earth days
Planet with the most complex ring system in our solar system
Small, solid particle that travels through space
Speculated by scientists to have brought water and life to Earth
Named for the Roman god of travel, closest planet to the sun
Dwarf planet located within the asteroid belt, classified as an asteroid until 2006
Largest volcano in our solar system
Classification given to the 5th - 8th planets in our solar system
Home to Pluto, Eris, and hundreds of thousands of other icy bodies
Located between Mars and Jupiter
Gas that gives Uranus and Neptune their blue color
The luminous phenomenon observed when a meteroid enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up, commonly called a shooting star (though it's NOT a star!)
Dwarf planet that is located within the Kuiper Belt, has an "occasional atmosphere"
Only planet in our solar system with known life
Saturn's largest moon (it's bigger than Mercury!)
How many Earth days it takes a planet to go around the sun once
Satellite that gave us much of our information regarding Saturn, mission just ended in September 2017
Classification given to the first four planets because they're rocky planets
Any portion of a meteroid that reaches Earth's surface
Named for Zeus, largest planet in our solar system
Jovian planet known for its retrograde rotation
Dwarf planet that has a retrograde rotation of 6.4 days and is located within the
Made of comets, asteroids, and dwarf planets, has a revolution of thousands of millions of years
Named for the Roman God of the Sea, windiest planet with winds of 1200mph!
Hottest planet in the solar system
Small bodies made of rocky/metallic pieces held together by frozen gases, have a "gas tail" and a "dust tail"
The "Red Planet" due to the iron oxide in its soil, has evidence that liquid water existed at some point
Commonality between Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune