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fall review 2

This happens when 2 different blood types mix
Presumptive test for blood
Dormant, resting stage of hair
O negative blood
This type of evidence convicted Wayne Williams
Needed for DNA of hair
Best bone to determine sex
Cross transfer of evidence
Called when skeletal remains are found at a crime scene
Most common natural fiber
Red blood cells
Tests for human blood
Thymine pairs with
Best bone used to determine race
After death
Most common synthetic fiber
Any small pieces of material at a crime scene
White blood cells
First insect to lay eggs on a dead body
Longest bone in the body
Written record to track evidence
Mortis that shows position body died
Identification by body measurements
Suicide, homicide, accidental
National DNA database
Breaking open a cell to extract DNA
Drowning, hanging, gun shot
Most evidence at a crime scene