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Keeping your Circulatory System Healthy

Getting exercise strengthens your _______ muscle.
Nicotine in tobacco can _______ your blood vessels.
Bread and cereals with _________ are very good for your heart.
Avoid ________, which causes many circulatory and respiratory diseases.
Try to get ______ minutes of exercise a day.
Things like smoking and fats really increase your blood _________.
Keep your heart and _______ vessels healthy by following these instructions.
The best way to take care of your circulatory system is by being _________ active.
Eat a lot of _________ for good circulatory health.
Limit the amount of _____ you eat.
Fats cause deposits to form in your ________, increasing blood pressure.
________ is bad for all parts of health, and puts a strain on the cardiovascular system as well.