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Precious Crossword

Please silently enjoy this word search created by your most precious Ms. Pressley. If you find all the words before class is done, use words 4,7,14,17 
Your most favorite and precious special
Moby's favorite website
The school you attend
Message/Mail distributed electronically
The most precious person at TECCS
Learn to type better/faster
Programs and other operating info used by a computer
Resting place for your fingers on the keyboard
Very top of a word document
Application to create WORD documents
Collection of data, programs, etc stored in a computer's memory
Name of the US Keyboard
Internet etiquette
Very bottom of a word document
Flash/Thumb Drive
Computers that stay in the white cart
Short range wireless connection among electronic devices
Global computer network providing a variety of communication
Secret word or phrase to gain access to something
Controls the pointer of the computer