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Shiatsu Crossword

Metal's body fluid
Water's season
Metal's emotion
Wood's sound
Fire's season
Water's sense
Water's sound
Water's emotion
Earth's color
Metal's sense organ
Earth's season
Earth's sound
Earth's body fluid
Water's body tissue
Water's sense organs
Fire's color
Fire's sense
Earth's emotion
Wood's sense
Wood's body fluid
Water's color
Metal's Season
Earth's flavor
Earth's sense organ
Wood's climate
Fire's sense organ
Metal's flavor
Wood's sense organs
Fire's sound
Metal's sense
Wood's season
Metal's sound
Earth's climate
Metal's climate
Fire's emotion
Wood's emotion
Fire's climate
Fire's color
Wood's flavor
Wood's color
Metal's body tissue
Water's flavor
Water's body fluid
Metal's color
Earth's sense
Fire's body fluid
Water's climate