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Called the brain of the atom
Surrounds the nucleus
Something that can not be broken down any farther
In atmosphere absorbs and emits radiation
Two little nuclei combine to make one heavy nuclei
Pennsylvania small radiation
Thermal, nuclear power station
Thick concrete reinforced with steel bars
Bits of atoms (stopped by aluminum foil)
Created by nuclear energy
An energy source that can not be created
Subatomic particle postive charge
Nuclear energy causes
Can not be destroyed nor made only changed (not matter)
Of or relating to the nucleus of an atom
One heavy nuclei breaks apart into two light nuclei
Heat energy made and stored in the Earth
City now abandoned because of nuclear disaster in Russia
Anything that provides energy
Aka radioactive decay
Produce electricity in power plant
An energy source that can be created
A non renewable source that nuclear energy is proven better then
Creates nuclear energy
Surrounds and protects reactor core
The energy released from unstable elements
Subatomic particle no electric charge
Generates heat to turn water to steam
Bits of atoms (stopped by paper...)