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Student Connection Trivia

Body of water Naaman washed himself in 7 times
In Isaiah's vision, the seraphim used these to cover their face and feet.
HSM's skinny version of Santa
How Isaiah referred to himself (in the vision) once he was made aware of God's holiness
The location where the MS and HS retreats take place
The seraphim touched the burning coals on Isaiah's "____"
A chronic, infectious disease causing skin lesions and nerve damage.
Jeremiah prophesied a new "_______," one not written on stone or parchment, but written instead on the hearts of the people.
The color of the stage floor in the Chapel at Highland
The HSM event that will take place on January 10 (hint: you will receive a discount)
The town Jonah fled to instead of Nineveh.
Fertility and sun god
Isaiah 52 prophesies about a "Suffering Servant" who was to come. Who was Isaiah referring to?
Everyone's favorite HSM newscaster show. Similar to Jimmy Fallon...but better
God brought His prophet Ezekiel to a valley full of these
Ahab's Wife
The place HSM goes every summer
In the book of Joel, God sent this insect as a warning to His people.
A verse from Isaiah 52 says, "yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and ______"
This man was asked by God to marry an unfaithful woman.