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diary of a whimpy kid by Alexander Anderson

Where did Manny sit in the car
What language did Manny speak fluently that surprised everyone
What made Greg go to he bathroom at the carnival
What is the name of the paper Greg's mom writes for
What was the name of the water park they went to
Where did manny run off to at the restaurant
What unusual thing did they eat at the carnival---- on a stick
What did his dad fix the sunroof with cellophane and -----
What animal bit Greg on the finger that his dad said may have rabies
Where did they hid the pig so they wouldn't have a problem renting a hotel room in the
What did Greg say was the best thing he ever ate at the resturant
What game did they play at the nursing home
What was the long haul
What is the name of his aunt that lives in the nursing home
What is Greg's big bothers name
What did Greg have all along in his pocket from the wateerpark
Where did Greg sleep at the hotel
When playing alphabet groceries what was the word Manny said that Greg said was'nt a real word
What was Greg's
Instead of reading the book lord of the rings what did Rodrick do that would make his book report seem off watched the