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One of my favorite memories is when I tackled you and we had cake on our face in this room of your brothers house
Your obsession lately - but we love them
This is the place where I first met your Aunt L and grandma
The phrase you have taught me that makes me think of you the most
This is a place that I hold dear to my heart. We've only been there two or three times but I asked you an important question there.
The name of the animal that you and I both created masterpieces of lol
When we get breakfast together you always seem to order these
Where we escaped to after I started pouring on us in Chicago
I couldn't quite handle this day with your family. I had a blast though
What you buy every-time we go to Jackson
My favorite holiday which you seem to think I'm crazy for
This is something you put so much effort into and I think about it all the time(: You made me so happy
It seemed like an eternity but we made it through this, and now I know we can make it through anything (:
No matter how made we get at each other, its these words I can never stop saying
This DPT restaurant where we went on our first "real" date
My favorite nickname that you call me
Where we had our first kiss
The first time I ever snapchatted you I was doing this
I cannot wait to take you to this place over the break
We spend wayyyy too much time together in this place
This is what I call you when you can't seem to let go of me
One of your new favorite midnight snacks thanks to yours truly
One of the most fun weekends of my life. I'll never forget this with you.
My favorite nickname for you when your'e still sleeping and its about noon
Your favorite thing that I ever got you
The most special date of the month
Where I cant wait to be with you in less than a month
My beautiful little elf
This was one of my favorite dates with you. We talked here and I think we made a big step in our relationship. It was this type of food.
What we got on the first time your sister 3rd wheeled us(:
One of my favorite days this fall I took you to this place to get some tasty treats