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CH.3 Crossword

Multiplication of two functions
The highest point on a graph between a specific domain
Subtraction of two functions
A function with respect to the origin
Decreasing function size horizontally
A simple test used to see if a line is a function
A function symmetric to the y-axis
The lowest point on a graph
A function where both x and y values increase
Correspondence from two sets (x,y)
A line containing multiple functions separated by domains
A set of y-values
A set of x-values
The mirror of a line over another line
Abreviation used to describe an infinite domain
The notation of a line in the form of f(x)
The movement of a line by the x or y axis
The highest point on a graph
Increasing function size horizontally
The amount of many received from the sale of a product
The lowest point on a graph between a specific domain
Division of two functions
As x values increase, y values decrease
As x values increase, y values decrease
Addition of two functions