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Lunar Chronicles

A Lunar Chronicles Crossword Puzzle
Rampion Captain
Father to Jacin
Lunar ___; the Lost Princess
The brightest star in a constellation
Eastern Commonwealth inventor
The White City
"Stars ____!"
Humor practiced by Cinder's android friend
A Lunar without the gift
Cyborg body part with extra storage
Implanted device for tracking and making payments
Powerful member in the Lunar royal entourage
Love interest of a Little Android
Scarlet to Wolf
Carswell is this to the Rampion... well, sort of.
French wedding dessert
__-droid (prescriptions sold separately)
The moon of the future
"Sweet Crescent Moon, up in the ___..."
Not the same as unfixable
For a cyborg, a smart place to store a universal connector cable
Wolf's Lunar Master
Drying agent for waterlogged phones... and maybe cyborg control panels?
Smart phone of the future, abbreviated
Wolf's given name
Mini space vehicle
Crown Prince of the Eastern Commonwealth, later Emperor
Surname of the emperor's adviser
Catalyst for a catastrophic prison rebellion
Floating car
Phobia for most Lunars
TLC time period, abbreviated
When garden fresh, it's a fruit of love... or is it a vegetable?
Design of the Emperor's Crown
Android weakness... even though she doesn't have feet
Mother of Pearl
European _____
Little sister to Kinney
His Imperial Majesty (for the first hundred pages, at least)
Android, sidekick, BFF
Beijing of the future
"She was cyborg, and she would never go to the ____."
Color worn by Levana's right-hand man... or woman
Lunars manipulate this
Cyborg _____ Act
Cinder's emotion upon first meeting the Captain
Flavor of Winter's favorite candy
Lettuce greens, or a spaceship
Erland's hideout in the desert
Previous Lunar Queen, another tyrant
Small chip, handy for having private conversations
____ Cress, satellite companion
Beauty, an illusion
Farm turned street fighting venue
Dusty material mined on the moon
The blue fever
Mother Kesley
The rightful queen
Royal guard, queen's paramour, princess's father... but never a king
Commonwealth honorific denoting a high-ranking official
Material that once carved tunnels into the moon
Robotic companion
Supposed to open to "Captain is King!"
Ground ___; location of first plague outbreak
Lowest rank in the pack
Royal android, emperor's assistant
Carswell's childhood pet
In a wolf pack, not the leader, not the lowest
Scarlet's something new
The original wolf-friend
Commonwealth honorific for a younger female
Color of apples, hoodies, and (evidently) glass slippers
"This is even better than a ___-drama!"