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Life Teen Advent 2017

Which book in the Bible says the most about Christ’s Advent?
What do we call the future time when Jesus Christ will come into the world again?
What did Jesus the Savior save his people from?
19) What is a heavenly host? An _______ army
Cousin of Mary?
What great feast of Mary’s do we celebrate on December 8?
What do evergreen branches of Advent Wreath symbolize?
What revealed the location of the Nativity?
What is the meaning of Advent?
What is not sung or recited during Sunday mass in Advent?
What traditional Catholic prayer contains the greeting that Elizabeth gave to Mary?
Town Jesus was born in?
Shelter in which Jesus was born.
Where do we get the name “Christmas” in English? (Old English)
Who is the Patron Saint of Children?
Mary said this to Elizabeth and it became a prayer.
How many miles did Mary and Joseph travel to get to Bethlehem?
Who told Mary she would have son?
When is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe? (Month & Date)
What is the traditional color of Advent?
How many Sundays are in Advent?
In Matthew, what does “wise men” or “Magi” refer to? (the study of)
What does the rose (pink) candle lit on third Sunday of Advent symbolize?
Who did an angel visit in a dream, saying “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife”?
What is the name we use for Jesus that means “God with us”?
20) What city does House of Bread refer to?
Who predicted the coming of the Lord in the Old Testament?