An example of a process-intensive product development cycle.
According to Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, "a golden ray of sun".
A region of the People's Republic of China.
Factors in "the cost of money" associated with a project.
Japanese unit of currency.
One of the "Holy Trinity" of development project performance measures.
The first step in the product development process.
A key metric is assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the design process.
Known for their excellence in service experience "fit"
The female equivalent of knighthood in the British realm.
A common farm-raised freshwater fish in Bavaria.
One of the "Holy Trinity" of development project performance measures.
For him, it's either a striike or a ball.
To damage, often only at the surface layer.
A slippery, snake-like member of the fish family.
Captures the timing and magnitude of cash flows.
A type of manufacturing that details all the materials, shapes, and tolerance of the various parts in a product.
What a typical Ph.d candidate develops and defends.
The "Greatest of All Time".
Wynken's, and Blynken's partner.
Auf Deutsch, the opposite of west.
The object of a beaver's labor.
The smallest species of the edible onion genus.
A muscle relaxant and pain reliever for muscle spasms.
Asserted that when designing new, or refining existing services, it's important to consider "fit".
At some restaurants in PA, if you want an adult beverage, you have to do this.
If the "ayes" don't have it, these do.
A popular brand of coffee.
A sign of affection often used to end a note of endearment.
Lowe of Parks & Rec fame.
Before he was Kareem, he was this.