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Beginning of the Cold War

FDR, Churchill, and Stalin agree to divide Germany into ________ sections after WWII
The Truman Doctrine pledged help to __________ and Turkey
Truman wanted a _______ war in Korea, which was strictly based on containing communism without the use of atomic weapons
The Berlin ________ was an attempt to supply Berlin through the air after the Soviets blockaded the city
_______ Zedong was the Communist leader of China
__________ nations were Communist countries in Eastern Europe friendly to the Soviet Union
Mutual defense alliance between U.S., Canada, and Western Europe
Truman and MacArthur disagreed over the use of the ________ bomb which led to MacArthur's firing
Figure of speech that said the Communist countries of Eastern Europe were separated from the West (2 words)
Leader of Soviet Union after WWII
Truman's policies in relation to the Soviet Union were known as Get __________
Where did MacArthur launch a surprise landing behind North Korean lines
Competition for influence around the world between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (2 words)
What country was divided at the 38th parallel after WWII?
The U.S. and the Soviet Union formed an alliance during WWII to defeat the country of __________
Country Truman said must recover if Europe was to recover
The U.S. wanted a rapid recovery of ________ to help defend Asia against communism
What was the basis of U.S. foreign policy throughout the Cold War?
Soviet Union wanted to keep __________ weak for protection
The Declaration of _______ Europe was the promise that people of Europe would be free to choose their own form of gov't
General in charge of American and UN troops during the Korean War
The long-run result of the Truman ________ was that the U.S. promised to fight communism around the world
The __________ Plan promised billions of dollars in aid to Western Europe in order to prevent these countries from becoming communist
President after FDR
Who enters the Korean War on the side of the North Koreans when the Americans reach the Yalu River?