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The Jordan's Crossword Puzzle

The Jordans' live on this road
The first book of the Bible
Me and my wife has Sister's with the same name
A dependent with four legs
The last book of the Bible
Not only does my best friends name has four letters but so does my last name
Really don't like cats although my car is in the same family
If you move move ?
A family that prays together?
Our Pastor's last name
My maiden name is the opposite of OLD
Willie's middle name
"I start work on Tuesday"
I am red but not because I'm angry for being locked up in the garage.
She was born in this town and now live in this town--The town is???
My nickname in Terrell.....
Jesus died on ?
My dad and my husband's brother has the same first name. What is the name?
Nickname for Tommy's girlfriend
I'm the Nickname for a good ear cleaning
Bre's favorite soda
Bre's Birthday
A town that has 7 letters but 3 of the letters are duplicated
I played for the Cowboys
I tend to raise cane at times but I've been known to raise a trunk load of cash. Who am I?
I'm not the King but the......
Qtips talent
Not Seventy eight and Not Eighty
"you have any fishing poles, watches or golf clubs that I can have"???
Wednesday night at the church
Let the good times....
A holiday
I teach, I greet and I meet....and at the church I go by this name?
The Lord is my Shepard is found in what book of the Bible?
I am a helper and a friend of the family. My nickname is a type of food although I never have the second part of my name. Who am I?
I am blue but not because I hit the garage occasionally
Aaron's favorite table game
Not Dallas County but what County?
Mom's favorite beverage
I love OKC!
Queena's favorite beauty product
I roll a black horse lol
One of the Fruit of the Spirit that keeps us together