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Meat and Alternatives

Samantha Luu
To tell if fish is fresh, it should have ___ gills
Distribution of fat cells throughout the lean
Skin is not ___ and are high in fat (poultry)
A vegetarian that eats no foods from animal sources
Is a dried seeds of pod plants
Legumes need to be ___ before cooking
A vegetarian that believes that eating animals is wasteful
Meat is a good source of...
A connective tissue called ____ is resistant to tenderizing with heat moisture, and is usually trimmed away
You should eat fish when it is...
Layer of fat under the animal's skin
A vegetarian that eats animal protein in the form of dairy products and eggs
A vegetarian that eats animal protein in the form of dairy products but "not" eggs
Vegetarianism due to your background is...
Distribution of fat cells throughout the lean
Believing sacrificing animals is a ____ reason
Tough elastic strands of the connective tissue called ____ converted to gelatin during cooking
Is made from soybeans
In poultry, you should remove ___ to reduce fat content