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The ethical puzzle

By: The Shaggy Fiascoes
BUSI 4601A
______ justice: concerned with the comparative treatment given to members of a group in the distribution of social benefits.
Things like food, air, education and health care that should take precedence over other things.
A form of justice that often provides a disincentive to contribute .
An entitlement to something.
Happiness/pleasure/satisfaction are examples of an _______ good
Under Kant’s CI, for an action to be morally permissible, it must be both reversible & ________
The focus of the Categorical Imperative is more on the ________ rather than the consequence.
Values from a source close to home.
________ right: Duty to not interfere with certain activities.
This form of justice says that benefits should be distributed based on the contribution made.
Kant argued that moral behaviour is _______
______ right: derived from a particular legal system
Enduring belief
An approach based on the course of action that produces the highest net benefit for everyone involved.
_______principle: Social and economic inequalities are arranged so that they are to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged persons.
Values that actually guide our behaviour.
________ right: Rights created when people enter into an agreement with one another.
A type of good that provides the means to other good things.
________ value: Preferred end state.
Costs/harms and benefits of the action/decision.
________ right: Activities that all people must be left free to pursue, or must be helped to pursue.
Values that are shared across a society.
Libertarian objector who claimed the only negative right people really possess is that to be free from coercion.
Reversibility means that one must be ______ for the same action to be done unto them in a similar situation.
_______principle: Individuals similar in all relevant respects should be “given” similar benefits and burdens, even if they are dissimilar in non-relevant respects.