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BAK 1010 - CH. 9 & 10

The egg portion consisting primarily of water and protein.
Imitation butter.
the process of killing disease-causing microorganisms at a temperature that will not damage the food.
Type of meringue in which you heat egg whites and sugar over a double boiler before whipping.
Cold pressed and Extra Virgin
Type of emulsified shortening used in the production of cakes that require large amounts of liquid.
contains 80% butterfat and has a melting point slightly lower than body temperature.
A process that converts unsaturated fatty acids to saturated ones through the addition of hydrogen.
result of pastry, such as laminated and pie dough that form thin, flat, and crisp layers from chunks of fat.
Overcoagulation of eggs.
An added chemical used to achieve a uniform suspension of two liquids.
This part of the egg provides tenderness to product.