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FAR: State and Local Government

An example of an imposed nonexchange transaction.
What account represents the estimated dollar value of outstanding purchase orders?
What expenditure classification identifies the expenditure by the period of time benefited by the expenditure?
Fund type category: Pension trust, Private purpose trust, Investment trust, Agency
What sections are the introductory, financial, and statistical from?
Fund type category: general, special revenue, capital project, debt service, permanent
What statement is developed in a functional format that highlights program revenues and cost?
What funds are used to account for any resources managed in trust by the governmental entity where the beneficiaries are outside of the governmental entity itself?
What is the measurement focus basis of accounting for governmental fund types?
What governmental fund covers the payment of interest and principal on general long-term debt?
What fund is used to account for business-type activities that primarily provide services to parties external to the government?
What is the measurement focus basis of accounting for proprietary fund types?
What does fiscal entity and accounting entity represent?
What fund is always a major fund?
What budgetary account represents the legally mandated spending limit?
Pension plan benefits paid are called _______ in the pension plan financial statements.
Net investment in capital assets, restricted net assets, and unrestricted net assets are components of _________.
Fund type category: Enterprise, Internal service
Authoritative body for state and local gov't
An example of a derived tax revenue that is based on an underlying exchange.
Where do you find a positive unassigned fund balance for a governmental organization?