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The Spaniard Day

to draw air through the nose in short, audible inhalations
characterized by a very complicated or involved arrangement of parts, units
an expert in the production of wines
a dry red wine, from the _____ region of northern Spain
the scene or locale of any action or event
fully developed in body or mind
to alter in shape, as by turning the ends in opposite directions
a native or inhabitant of Spain
taste, especially the distinctive taste of something as it is experienced in the mouth.
A color
a person or animal on exhibition as an example of a strange deviation from nature
a swaggering swordsman, soldier, or adventurer; daredevil
to bring in contact, connect, or bring or put together
having the component parts closely compacted together
a variety of grape used in winemaking, especially for table wines inthe Rhône Valley of France and for a type of rosé in California
a chain of hills or mountains
something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence
a domestic fowl
an odor
to mix (various sorts or grades) in order to obtain a particular kind or quality
to move around or along with a whirling motion
a river flowing from the Alps in S Switzerland through the Lake of Geneva and SE France into the Mediterranean
very pleasing to the senses, especially to the taste; delicious
fermented grape juice
a public musical performance in which a number of singers or instrumentalists, or both, participate
a particular order or disposition of persons or things as arranged or drawn up for action
converting grape sugar into ethyl alcohol
the hard, durable wood of such a tree
the edible part of a plant developed from a flower, with any accessory tissues
an expert in the production of wines
a hollow in the earth, especially one opening more or less horizontally into a hill, mountain
group that is part of a society, or other body
a material made by chemically treating and toughening this substance
remaining; leftover
a small number or amount
improper, tasteless, indecorous, or indecent
a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character
to eject from the mouth
a person who robs or commits illegal violence at sea or on the shores of the sea.
the sense of smell
the outer bark of an oak, used for making stoppers for bottles
to offer for sale or sell at a reduced price
sourness; tartness
slightly intoxicated
to eat or drink a little of
a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends
anything taken by dishonesty, force, stealth