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30 FOR 30 - My Thirty Years of Gratitude

He is sensitive to the feelings of others.
His ability to figure things out by coming up with cool ideas.
He makes people feel like they have known him forever when they meet him.
He has deep convictions, and he speaks openly about things that matter.
The feeling those close to him have for him.
When he puts on that duckbill cap and asks "What's the Dealio?"
He likes to hear and tell a good joke.
His concern for others is very evident.
He loves to tell about "the good ol days."
It is very common to feel lifted-up by his comments.
He always makes you feel welcome.
He is a great conversationalist.
He is capable of doing many things well.
Okay, he has been married for more than 50 years, and he taught school for over 30 years!
He is easy going - it's never about his agenda.
Something I have seen him express to others more times than I can count.
It is very evident that others hold him in high regard.
He loves to try and figure out how things work.
He can make and fix just about anything.
He is never in a hurry.
I have never seen him act brash or "puffed-up."
He once ice fished in single-digit temps, with 30 mph winds, while wearing no gloves. Trust me, I was there - freezing!
Have you ever watched a Vikings game with him!?
He has remained level and strong through the trials of life.
He looks for the best in things.
His personality, not the climate he lives in.
He has lived with an attitude of gratitude
With John, what you see is what you get.
He is unselfish and charitable.
He has a deep commitment to God.