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Chronic condition that appears on cheeks and nose, and is characterized by redness.
Skin disorder characterized by light,abnormal patches; caused by a burn, scar, inflammation or congenital disease that destroys the pigment producing cells
Technical term for freckles
Absence of pigment
An inflammatory, uncomfortable, and chronic disease of the skin; characterized by moderate to severe inflammation, scaling, and sometimes severe itching.
Excessive sweating
An allergy to an ingredient or a chemical, abbreviated ACD
Hypopigmentation, or absence of melanin pigment of the body, including skin, hair, and eyes
Abnormal brown-colored or wine-colored skin discoloration with a circular and/or irregular shape
Inflammatory condition of the skin
Change in pigmentation of skin caused by exposure to the sun or ultraviolet light
Also known as birthmark
Skin condition caused by an inflammation of sebaceous glands; often characterized by redness, dry or oily scaling, crusting, and/or itchiness.
Occurs when irritating substances temporarily damage the epidermis
A skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions.
Small brownish spot or blemish on the skin, ranging in color from pale tan to brown or bluish black
A small brown-colored or flesh-colored outgrowth of the skin.
Deficiency in perspiration or the inability to seat, often a result of damage to autonomic nerves.
Foul smelling perspiration, which is generally caused by bacteria.
An inflammation of the skin caused by having contact with certain chemicals or substances.
Darker than normal pigmentation
Also known as pinkeye
A large protruding pocket-like lesion filled with sebum
Recurring viral infection that often presents as a fever blister or cold sore.
Skin disease characterized by red patches covered with silver white scales; usually found on the elbows, knees, chest, and lower back.
Abnormal growth of the skin
A mark on the skin; may indicate injury of damage that changes the structure of tissues or organs.