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Gideon and Abimelech

The people of _____ refused to feed Gideon’s men.
On the front of the ephod were the Urim and _____, two stones that were used to receive “yes’ or “no” answers from God
Because the people refused to help, Gideon promised to return with _____.
The _____ was worn by the high priest in the tabernacle,
Israel had sunk to the depths and they were not even crying out in repentance, yet God sent them Tola and _____ to be the judge-saviors they were not asking for.
Between Judges 8:34 and 10:6 God is not mentioned at all by his personal covenant name, the _____.
We, too, find it all too easy to forget that everything about our salvation, and all of our good works, are gifts of _____, not of our own success.
Keller says that God’s judgment is not only reserved for a future day; it is a _____ _____.
_____ 2:8: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”
IN Judges 10 we are told that “_____ … rose to save Israel”
Instead of giving glory to God, Gideon sought admiration and honor for _____.
One of the most powerful tribes of Israel
AT first Gideon _____ to be Israel’s king, because that position and honor belong to God alone—but then he started gto assume the honor due to a king.
Status and money can never _____ us.
While Abimelech means My father is king , _____ means Yahweh (ie: the Lord) is perfect/blameless
Keller says that the church’s greatest problem is the _____.
_____ was a place of huge importance in Israel. It was the place where God appeared to Abram to tell him that this was the land he had promised to give him
Hazel is a _____.
In Judges 8:22, Israel asked _____ to be king.
Gideon called on Ephraim to help him cut off the fleeing _____.
“Success can easily cause us to forget _____ _____, because our hearts are desperate to believe that we can save ourselves.“
According to Keller, “during Gideon’s lifetime, the land enjoyed peace _____ _____; we know by now that this is a compromised peace. It is peace without worship, and peace without obedience.”
_____ was Gideon’s son by his concubine, who lived in Shechem
As Abimelech “approached the entrance to the tower to set it on fire, a woman dropped an upper _____ on his head and cracked his skull”
Every other leader in _____ is called by God without seeking the role. Abimelech grasped it for himself
Who did Tola rise to save Israel from?
Aaccording to Keller, In Judges 8-9 God was silent, but not _____.
In the beginning Gideon knew his own _____ and understood that victory came only by God’s power and grace.
By asking for a king, Israel would not need to look to God for salvation, and wait for him to send them a _______.
“Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in _____, his town”
Unlike Gideon, _____ resisted the temptation to rule in power over the nations because he “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”