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Fruits and Veggies

I am a brown root that can be baked, mashed, or fried.
We come in a cluster, we can be green or red, and we can have seeds or not.
I am an orange root that rabbits love to eat.
There is a color named after me.
I look like an apple, but I am green and my flesh is sort of grainy.
I am a juicy fruit with a poisonous pit and fuzzy skin.
I am related to broccoli, but I look more like a cloud.
I am not spicy for a pepper, so I am used in many dishes and salads.
I am long and green, you slice me up for salads.
I am juicy and red with black seeds on my skin.
I am a small red-skinned root that is bitter.
I look like a cucumber, but I am a squash, not a fruit.
I am a stalk that grows in a cluster, I am great with peanut butter or ranch dressing.
I am a leafy green veggie that makes the bulk of a salad.
I am a lettuce, and Popeye used me to get stronger.
Most people call me a veggie because I am good in salad or on a burger, but I am really a red fruit.
I am a red fruit that grows on a tree, you have to pick out my pit.
I am very much like a peach, but my skin is smooth like an apple.
I am a many-layered root that will make you cry when you cut into me.
I am a dark red root, my juice is used as dye.
I am a yellow fruit that you have to peel to eat.
You can't eat my bumpy green skin,but my soft green insides are great as guacamole.
I look like a miniature tree.
I am long and thin and look like a pine tree.
I am a little red berry that fits on your finger tips.
I come in red, green, and yellow; I am good n pies or on my own.
I am a summer fruit with a hard green rind, but a sweet, juicy red center.
I am a dark purple vegetable that vegetarians eat like steak.
I am like a lettuce, but my leaves are much thicker and I taste more bitter.
I am a green citrus.