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Insights Anniversary Cacteye

She’s the oracle behind the Insights Q&A Forum. But she can also answer all your baking-related queries and give you quality parenting advice (especially if you’re struggling to be your teenager’s BFF). (6)
This promising “LAD” is the youngest Developer on the team (We’ve practically given you the answer to this one). (5)
A girl of few words, you’ll see her at her desk coding and fixing bugs all day; secretly waiting for her Hogwarts acceptance letter. P.S. She was the star behind our traditional day dance performance. (6)
The keeper of all our content, you can’t hope to publish an article on Editage Insights without her. The only time her LONG hair gets tied into a bun is when she’s reporting an exciting development in the publishing industry! (5)
When she’s not interviewing experts in the publishing industry, she’s wondering who she’d fit in better with – The Avengers or the Justice League. (9)
This cricket-geek is literally the “GATE” between the content and tech sides of Insights. P.S. Don’t think in English. (6)
She’s the person to go to if you need vibrant infographics and interactive videos. But if you need a hiphop playlist for your next party, her phone would be THE place to look! P.S. “Girls can’t rap.” would be your worst opening statement to her. (6)
When he’s not testing the Insights website, he “breaks” into other sites and “pops” his way through! P.S. Need a cap? If you visit the second floor office, he’ll surely lend you one! (6)
He’s our resident “hustler” and the man behind all of our workshops and webinars. P.S. He was a BIG hit with Priya Kumar at the offsite *wink wink* (6)
She has enough pairs of shorts for every girl at Cactus. Queen of our WeChat account, this international Cactizen is totally rocking her second stint with us. (5,3)
When he isn’t moulding Drupal, this Technical Architect is wondering whether White Walkers are actually Jedis. P.S. Looking to party? Take him out for karaoke. (5)
An ex-Cactizen who returned to us this year, she’s our go-to person for exciting new innovations in science and technology. But if you ask nicely and promise not to hug her, this former fashion writer will give you the best fashion advice. (6)
You’ll be lucky to catch her around office on a Thursday, hurrying from meeting to meeting. When she’s not giving researchers tips to make their lives easier, she’s spending time with her adorable 2 year old (Hint: If you’ve been checking the Intranet lately, you have to get this one!). (5)
This deeply musical dessert-lover is the heart and soul of Insights. When she isn’t orchestrating our success stories, she’s busy talking the team into an evening snack. P.S. She’s most likely to hum her way to meetings. (8)