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What is key?
A strong leader will make critical decisions effectively and ______.
Area of Iraq where the author was fighting.
A team compiled of leaders from different divisions or departments.
Leaders must ____ in what they are doing.
Having discipline actually makes us more _____.
One of the authors of EXTREME OWNERSHIP.
Ego can cloud our what?
If a team has been led well, they will continue to perform well even when their leader is ____.
If people are motivated, they are likely to be more what?
Discipline is ________ with Freedom
When a leader takes responsibility for mistakes
You should always admit them.
When a leader puts secondary leaders in place, it is called_____ command.
You need to plan up and down the chain of what?
Who were the SEALs combatting in Iraq?
Analyzing the mission and identifying personnel are parts of a what?
This is critical to success in all aspects of life.
Blue-on-Blue is another term for _____ fire.
There are not bad teams, only bad______.