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I am the seed of an oak tree.
I am the color of hay.
You can carve me for halloween or turn me into pie.
I am a fieldd of fruit trees.
Apples turn into me when they are pressed and fermented.
I have 8 legs and spin webs.
I am the color of an apple.
I am where you learn things.
I am the most anticipated American sport of the year.
I am the official name of the Fall Season.
You put me in fields so birds don't eat your crops.
I am a traditional feast meant to remind people of their blessings.
You do this when crops are ready to be brought in.
I am a spooky month.
I am known as the "Horn of Plenty."
I am a type of tree whose leaves change color and fall off.
I am the color of bark.
I am a delicious fall fruit that grows on trees in an orchard.
We turn colors in Autumn.
You always hold Thanksgiving on my 4th Thursday.
I am the color of a pumpkin.
I am a fun thing to do at pumpkin patches, but my seats are a bit prickly.
I am what happens when things don't stay the same.
I am a tart red berry that most people eat with turkey.
You use me to spice up desserts and make the air smell pretty.
I am when you celebrate Labor day.
I am the traditional food of Thanksgiving.
You celebrate me on October 31st.