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Animal Fun

I live in the desert, but don't worry, I carry my water around with me.
I adopted Tarzan and my family helped raise him.
I build my homes out of wood that I cut down using my teeth.
I am known as man's best friend.
I turn bright pink from eating shrimp, and I like to stand on one leg.
I have a beautiful coat and look like a small dog.
I am a large, aggressive omnivore that hibernates.
Fun Fact: I am the only animal that can not jump.
I'm striped like a zebra, but my teeth are much sharper!
I hop to get around and fight with my short front arms.
I don't have any legs, but I slither around just fine.
I may look like a cat, but I don't smell like one!
People like me to catch mice in their barns.
Am I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?
I live in Alaska, I am huge, and my antlers are very impressive.
At Disneyland I am known as Chip or Dale.
I can reach the tasty leaves that nobody else can.
I live in the desert and carry my house around with me.
I'm like a dog, but I am much bigger and I am wild.
My teeth and I live in swampy waters.
I'm a bird, but I only fly in the water.
If you treat me right I will let you ride on my back.
I love eucalyptus leaves, and I am not really a bear.
I am the African cousin of a deer.
I am a water bird that quacks.