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At The Park

Big people responsible for watching kids.
It takes two to balance, or tip!
A decoration that sprays water.
Noisy little people who like to play.
You can dig or build castles with it.
It has pedals and two wheels, and it gets you places faster than walking.
Used to hold sand our make castles.
It's like surfing on land.
A game where one person looks for everyone else.
Large living things that make oxygen and are fun to climb.
A game where you jump on squares with numbers.
An open area of grass for running or playing ball games.
Long, flat seats that fit many people.
Toys for kicking, throwing, or catching.
A structure built over tables to make shade.
You sit here to grab a bite to eat.
A cement path for walking or riding bikes.
People you like to play with.
You pump your legs to move back and forth on this.
What you do to to have fun passing the time with friends.
The sound made when people are having fun or think something is funny.
You swing from rung to rung on these.
Not inside.
Furballs that wag tails and bark.