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Chapter 23- Reproductive Diseases and Disorders

STI caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis
Accumulation of fluid in the scrotal sac
STI caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum
Undescended teste(s)
STI caused by protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis
Congenital defect with the urethral opening on the top surface of the glands or penile shaft
Chronic inflammatory condition resulting from several different bacteria entering the vagina and spreading upward
Congenital condition resulting in the urethral opening being on the underside of the glans or penile shaft
Inflammation of the ovaries
Painful inflammation of the epididymis
Absence of normal menstrual cycles (prior to menopause)
STI caused by Bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Foreskin that is too tight and cannot be retracted to its usual position
Implantation of fertilized ovum in any location other than the uterus
Menstrual cramps
Condition resulting from the intestines protruding through the abdominal wall and into the scrotum
Inflammation of the Fallopian tube
The presence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus
Surgical severing or clamping of the vas deferens