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At the Beach

You do this with a pole, hook, and line.
Rest and engage in enjoyable activities.
Where the water in one place moves faster than the water around it.
A colorful ridge of rock, coral, and sand where a lot of fish live.
A piece of land surrounded by water.
A wooden walkway across the sand
A light shoe with only straps connected to the sole.
A plastic disc thrown to a partner.
A thick absorbent material used to dry the body.
A large body of saltwater.
The rise and fall of the sea from the pull of the moon.
An expert swimmer who saves people who are in trouble in the water.
A waterbird with a huge beak and expandable throat pouch.
A hard protective outer case for a mollusk.
Riding a wave toward shore.
A pre-packed meal eaten outside.
A large plant that grows from the sea floor to the surface.
The place where the ocean meets the land.
A platform built on pillars that leads out over the water.
The squishy ground at the beach.