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Cross Roots

Alyson Wonser, Camryn Martindale, Bailey Davis
A Large city has a large _____ of people.
To ____ means to defer or delay.
A ____ prepares dead people for burial .
Knowing numerous languages is called ____.
Instincts to protect your children is called ____ instinct.
Plant's using sunlight for food is called ____.
To change into something else is called____.
Father's side of family is considered ____ side.
You can call your friends on the _____.
To feel how others are feeling means to feel ___ for that person.
Speaking your thought out loud when by oneself or in front of a crowd is called a ____.
Moving objects with your mind is called___.
The study of the weather is called___.
Another word for products that are up for sale is called ____.
The fear of small enclosed spaces.