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# of helpers (Deacons) chosen to distribute food(Acts 6:3)
4 kinds of soil are talked about in the N.T. Name Soil that represents Christians living by the Holy Spirit (Luke 8:15)
Who were the Greeks who did not receive fair share of food?(Acts 6:1)
3000 People became this on the day of Pentecost.(Acts 2:41)
Acts connects the 4 Gospels to the rest of the N.T. This connection is called a ____.
Disciple who replaced Judas (Acts 1:26)
Author of the Book of Acts
1st Christian martyr(Acts :7:55-58)
The day that Jesus' disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1)
Peter told the crowd they must _____to be saved. (Acts 2:38)
Person is called a ______ who is killed for being a witness of Jesus
Peter and John healed a man who was this(Acts 3:2)
Unbelievers are saved by the name of _____. (Romans 10:13)
Jesus returned to heaven in a __________(Acts 1:9)
God's Word is called ______(2words)
God ___a husband and wife because they lied to Him(Acts 5:9-10)
This man was known as an encourager(Acts 4:36)
Name a 'power' tool for spiritual growth-1st 2 letters of the word are 'O, B'.
______ persecuted the early Christians (Acts 8:1)
Peter & John were _____ because they preached the Good News (Acts 4:3)
Saul was _____ by a bright light from heaven. (Acts 9:3)
2nd thing Peter told the crowd is they must be____(Acts 2:38)
Name of road on which Saul was blinded. (Acts 9:8)
Paul escaped from Damascus by being lowered in a ___.Acts 9:25)
Ethiopian was reading book of ______. (Acts 8:30)
Who helped the apostles get out of jail? (Acts 5:19)
This is how Stephen died.(Acts 7:57-59)
Man who witnessed to an Ethiopian.(Acts 8:28-30)
Peter and John went to the Temple to ______ (Acts 3:1)