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Physical Health

How fast your body burns energy
Fluids so that body functions properly
Over working the body
Injury to the ligament surrounding a joint
Ratio body fat to lean body tissue
An activity that prepares the muscles for work
Gradual increase in overload to achieve higher level fitness
The ability of the heart runs and blood vessels to send fuel and O2 to the body
Frequency, intensity, time/duration
A choice in how you live
Synthetic substances similar to testosterone. can disqualify you from competitions
No or little activity
Exercise at its highest peak
Running Jumping Exercise
Damaging a muscle or tendon
Improve particular areas of fitness
The ability of the muscle to perform a physical task overtime
Number times heart beat /1minute at rest
Formalized preparation for involvement in a sport
Purposeful physical activity maintains personal fitness
Active to keep you in shape
Any activity that uses large muscle groups
Body tissue become frozen
Loss of large amounts of salt and water perspiration
A condition body temperature becomes dangerously low
A condition body loses the ability to rid itself of excessive heat through perspiration
Working the body harder than normal