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Unfaithful People, 1 Sam 2:30-36

Third word of 1 Sam 2:30
The eleventh word of 1 Sam 2:31
I love you with all my ....
An abundance of valuable possessions or money
Mother said, "Don't run but ...."
Not a decrease but an...
9th word of 1Sam 2:32 or a place in which to live; a house or home.
The definition is to strongly dislike, or to treat with scorn or hate.
A building that is lived in by a family
The northern kingdom of the Hebrews
Sixth word in 1 Sam 2:32. Or a person you do not like.
a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual
The seed-bearing part of a plant or something a man gives to his girlfriend.
Not a mother but a
Something use to make a sandwich.
This word appears twice in 1 Sam 2:31
Last word of 1 Sam 2:30
The 18th word in 1 Sam. 2:33. Or eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink):
Opposite of nights