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Moses and Joshua
The Israelites were not allowed to enter the Promised Land and had to wander in the desert for _______ years.
God called Moses to _______His people.
What kind of meat did they eat?
The first plague turned the Nile River into______.
Worshiping anything other than God is called_____.
When the Pharaoh's ______ son died, the Pharaoh allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt.
God gave Moses the 10 -------------- at the top of Mt. Sinai.
What great leader replaced Moses after he died?
When Moses returned from Mt. Sinai, he got angry because the people were worshiping the golden ______.
The 10 Commandments was a __________ between God and His people.
God parted the waters to allow the Israelites to cross the ____ Sea.
He killed a guard who was beating a Hebrew slave in Egypt and had to run away.
Before the tenth plague was sent, Moses told the Israelites to kill a lamb for dinner and paint its blood on the_______.
Moses married a woman he met at the well in the desert.
What did God feed the Israelites while they wandered in the desert all those years?
The name of the Promised Land is called ________.
The blood was to mark the Israelites' houses to protect them when the angel of _______ passed through Egypt to kill all the firstborn.