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Order Picking

Sorter where Items are placed manually into pockets suspended from an overhead conveyor system
Commonly used in retail distribution both for order picking and for delivery to shops.
Simplest form of storage with pallets being placed one on top of another. Placed on the floor so no racks are needed .
Packaging that directly encloses a product.
This type of sorter have series of mini conveyor belts aligned at 90 degrees to the direction of travel
Sorters that are capable of tipping loads to the left or right
A function of a warehouse where workers unload and store products
The most common form of unit load.
Most common form of storing for small items in a warehouse.
The warehouse is split into different zones with specific order pickers dedicated to each zone.
This sorter has receptacles that have opening bottoms
Goods are transported, stored and handled in standard modules of common dimensions.
Equipment used for both horizontal movement and vertical stacking.
A key warehouse operation that accounts for about 50% of the labor costs.