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Compliance, Ethics & Privacy Crossword Challenge

A person or organization that conducts business with us and who comes into contact with our patients' PHI is a _________ Associate.
Loose lips sink __________!
The Code of ___________ lets employees know what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable.
One of the greatest risks to our patients' PHI
The notice given to patients that describes how we use and disclose their PHI is called the Notice of
Common workplace ethic of respecting others and working well together.
Extension 5949.
PHI may be disclosed without an authorization for these three purposes (abbrv).
A system designed to detect and prevent violations of the law is known as a _____________ program.
The Office of Civil Rights
The smallest amount of information that you need to do your job is known as the ____________ necessary.
Who is responsible for compliance?
A Federal law which prohibits healthcare providers from receiving something in exchange for the referral of patients or services is the anti-__________ statute.
Interactions between people and their society that deals with right and wrong.
The sharing of PHI within the facility
Being a good role _______ sets a positive example for your coworkers.
Federal laws that provide protection from retribution against someone for reporting a suspected violation.
A Federal law that prohibits us from filing a false claim to Medicare or Medicaid is the __________ ____________ Act.
A __________ is the unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure of PHI.
Anything that can identify a patient (abbrv).