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Nail Disorders and Diseases

Living skin around the nail plate that becomes split or torn
Thickening of the fingernails or toenails
Visible depressions running across the width of the nail bed
A noninfectious condition that affects the surface of the natural nail plate causing tiny pits or severe roughness on the surface of the nail plate
Severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from the bed to the nail plate
Bacterial inflammation of the tissues surrounding the nail. Redness pus and swelling are usually seen in the skin fold adjacent to the nail plate
Medial term for fungal infractions of the feet; red, itchy rash of the skin on the bottom of the feet/in between toes, usually found between the fourth and fifth toe.
Chewed nails or hardened skin surrounding the nail plate
Vertical lines running the length of the natural nail plate, usually the result of normal aging
Inflammation of the nail matrix followed by the shedding of the natural nail
Increased crosswise curvature throughout the nail plate caused by increased curvature of the matrix
Fungal infection of the nail plate