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Native Americans

Polished seashells used to make belts and other ornaments.
A Native American boat.
These type of homes were used by the Southwest Indians.
The 2 main tribes in the Eastern Woodland cultural region were the Iroquois and the ________
Tall wooden post carved to show the wealth of clans in the Northwest Cultural region.
This Native American Cultural group lived in region E on your map.
These homes were cone-shaped and covered with buffalo hides.
Two poles fastened to a harness used to carry goods.
A group of families bound together under a single leadership.
A rock structure used for communication on the tundra.
This cultural region was very hot and dry with little rain.
This was the most important resource to the Plains Indians.
A material used to build SW Indian homes.
The Iroquois had this type of government.
The Northwest Indians fished for this type of fish.
Corn, beans, and squash were known as the ____________.
The Pacific Northwest Indians built their longhouses with thick__________.
A Native American ceremony that included dancing and games.
The Northwest Indians used all parts of this animal of the sea.
Many Eastern Woodland Tribes lived in these during the summer.
A union of people or groups.
These Natives lived on the tundra.