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Crossword puzzle 2

Enzyme that repairs DNA with light energy
Plant hormone
Diploid phase that produces spores
Light sensitive protein with pigment molecules
Product of a fertilized egg cell
Light driven plant growth
Hormone involved in stress response
Light directed plant growth
Has two embryonic leaves
Nonpigmented starch containing compoung
The embryonic root
Often pigmented floral organs
Female gametophyte
Seedling grown in the dark
Pigments that act as photoreceptors
Diploid cell from the fusion of gametes
Enzyme that dephosphorylates other molecules
Helps pollen reach the egg
First cytokinin isolated
Development in the absence of light
Energy storage for the an embryo
Regulates the flow of water and minerals into the stem
Tissue that consists of undifferentiated stem cells
Gravity directed development
Top face of leaves
Protein complex for digestion of ubiquitinated proteins
Opening of the ovule which the pollen tubule enters
Part of the carpel where pollen binds
Female reproductive structure
Enzyme that phosphorylates other molecules
Phenolic polymer