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alberta's legislature

When residents gather signatures of support to press the legislature to pass a law
When citizens in the province all vote for who they want to represent them
The province is broken down in to 87 of these, each with its own MLA representing it
When a new law is proposed in the Legislature it is called a___
The building that MLAs gather in to debate and pass new laws
The MLAs who aren't part of the governing party, whose job is to critique the governing party in the Legislature
The elected leader of the whole provincial government
My Private Members Bill was about what?
The name for an MLA from the governing party that are each responsible for certain government departments by area of concern
The capital city of Alberta
The group of Alberta women who fought for women's right to vote, two words
The group of Ministers are called the_____
The first and last name of our Premier
What citizens do at election time
Government where the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through elected representation
Canada and Alberta's symbolic head of state