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Chapter 5

The process of recalling, pulling back into use, or recovering coded information from memory.
All the sensory stimuli from the physical world that we receive through our five senses.
The process of thinking about, pondering, or working with and encoding information in new ways.
A permeant storage center that holds chunks of information received from working memory.
The process of attaching special memory codes to information.
The process of linking together two or more items or chunks of information to process into long term memory.
A temporary storage center that receives and holds sensory input for 1 or 2 seconds.
The process of focusing on or attending to specific stimuli that are important to process further.
All cognitive processes or activities that occur in our conscious mind.
The process of holding or maintaining coded information for a given period of time.
Identify and separating main ideas and important details from a larger body of information.
The process of visual encoding to make pictures or movies in your mind.
Forms of information used to conduct memory searches to locate information stored in long term memory.
A temporary storage center in working memory that receives information from the sensory center and holds the information for further encoding.
The process of explaining information clearly, out loud in your own words.